4 Common Types of Cyberattacks and How to Prevent Them

cyber criminal in hood being handcuffed

Around 70% of Canadian businesses experience a cyberattack or cybersecurity threat each year. However, a common misconception is that these attacks are only carried out on large or data-heavy businesses. In reality, small businesses are just as, or in some cases, more susceptible, because they typically don’t have strong defenses in place.

4 Obstacles to Technology Adoption & How to Overcome Them

collaborating on ipad and laptop - What to Expect When You Hire a Managed Service Provider for Your Business

When it comes to picking up the latest technology for our homes, most people don’t need much convincing to get on board. From smart home systems like Google Home and Amazon Alexa to the latest in wearable technology, people jump at the opportunity to enhance their lives with technology. Unfortunately, businesses face much greater challenges […]

Everything You Need to Know About Multi-Factor Authentication for Your Business

What to Expect When You Hire a Managed Service Provider for Your Business

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective for protecting your business online. One of the easiest ways to prevent data breaches and establish cybersecurity in your business is requiring multi-factor authentication for all accounts and data. This small addition to your business practices requires minimal setup and training, but reaps powerful security rewards.