4 Reasons to Use a Multi-Cloud Strategy for Your Data

4 Benefits of Cloud Migration For Your Business - cloud symbol

Data Management on Multiple Cloud Platforms Plenty of IT providers have been moving toward multi-cloud strategies, both internally and for their clients. Why is that? We’ll dive deeper into the benefits of multi-cloud strategies. But first, let’s define exactly what they are. Multi-cloud strategies provide data management across several cloud platforms. This may include any […]

3 Tips to Destroy Sensitive Data & Information

binders full of business documents

Data destruction used to be simple. You’d take your files to the office shredder, toss them in, and they’d be effectively destroyed. Unfortunately, it’s much harder to destroy electronic files. You might think you’ve completely destroyed your files by emptying the trash folder, but that’s usually not enough to permanently delete files from your computer. […]

How to Prepare Your Business for a Phishing Scam

white fingerprint on black keyboard

Working online comes with certain risks. There are computer viruses, malware, spyware, worms, Trojan horses, and ransomware – just to name a few. With all of these potential threats, how can you keep your company safe online? According to a 2017 study, 90% of online attacks can be traced back to phishing scams. Even though […]

Is it Safe to Use Public WiFi?

wifi signal on mountain lake background

Using public WiFi is like having a conversation in public. You never really know who is listening in. Having someone eavesdrop on your conversation probably isn’t a big deal. Having someone gain access to all your computer files, however, is a real security issue. If you’re on a public network, someone may be able to […]

Digital Disasters Happen: Do You Have a Cyber Attack Plan?

cybersecurity symbol of white lock on code background

We live in an online age. As a business owner, you rely on your computer systems to keep your company running. Unfortunately, with an increased reliance on computer networks comes the increased risk of cyber security incidents. You might think that data breaches, stolen credit card information, and ransomware attacks won’t happen to your business, […]

Why Your Business Needs Data Backup and Recovery

laptop with the word "Backup"

If you run a small business, it’s easy for seemingly minor details or business-related tasks to slip through your fingers. Unfortunately, one of the tasks businesses often overlook is one of the most important: data safety. Every business needs data backup and recovery to protect themselves against possible human error and/or a systems crash. Here […]

Why Your Organization Needs Vulnerability Management

coding representing vulnerability management

From antivirus software to firewalls and VPNs you’ve done your best to ensure your company has incredible network security. But no matter how many security measures you put in place, there are still vulnerabilities in your network. One of the best ways to stay ahead of online threats is by regularly completing vulnerability assessments. What […]