Category Archives: Cyber Security

The 5 Biggest Cyber Threats Businesses Will Face in 2023

meeting about cyber attacks

The world of cybersecurity is constantly changing and adapting to new circumstances. Every year, Canadian businesses face a torrent of new cyber threats–but they can also access more security measures than ever before. In 2023, businesses across Canada must equip themselves to handle cyber threats and attacks of all kinds. Luckily, it isn’t as hard […]

5 Reasons to Outsource Your Cybersecurity Operations

outsourced cybersecurity

The technological advancements we’ve made in the past few decades have been extremely beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). But as technology becomes increasingly advanced, the amount of cyber threats is only increasing. With so many Canadian businesses being impacted by cyber attacks, it’s no wonder cybersecurity has become a primary concern in the […]

Celebrating Data Privacy Week: 5 Tips to Protect Your Data

security audit on smartphone

Every January we have the opportunity to take a look at our cyber hygiene by celebrating data privacy week. With cyber threats seemingly increasing every time we open our eyes, it’s important that we all take security seriously and ensure our data is safe with a security audit. According to a recent study, the average […]

5 Cybersecurity Small Business Tips

small business cybersecurity tips

As a small business owner, you know better than anyone just how hard it is to juggle everything. From ensuring operations run smoothly, to crafting a great customer experience, to coordinating a team of amazing people, you have your eye on a lot of moving pieces. You probably know that cybersecurity is critical, but you […]

How Do Companies Protect Customer Information? Here Are 6 Examples

business women working on cybersecurity

Did you know small businesses are the primary target of cyberattacks? As levels of cybercrime rise, small businesses across Canada have been left vulnerable to security breaches, malware, and other common cyber threats. Being the victim of a cyberattack doesn’t just hurt your business; it can also harm your customers. Your customers trust you to […]

7 Ways Your Small Business Can Benefit From Cybersecurity Providers

cybersecurity providers

How secure is your small business? Just because your business is small doesn’t mean that hackers won’t target your sensitive data or client information. In reality, cybercriminals often target small and medium-sized businesses because they don’t have the budget for comprehensive cybersecurity measures–making them the perfect target for cyber threats.  Unfortunately, many small businesses gloss […]

What Does a Good Disaster Recovery Plan Look like?

disaster recovery plan

Disasters can come in many shapes and sizes – a natural disaster, hardware failure, data breach, or cyber attack. Whatever the cause, due to our reliance on technology, every business needs to have a disaster recovery plan in place to minimize the damage and get back up and running as quickly as possible. In this […]

3 Simple Ways to Help Protect Your Business from Online Scams

coworkers looking at computer online scame

Cyberattacks can happen anytime and on any device. At the Digital Risk Summit 2022, leading cybersecurity researchers at Group-IB found that in 2021 over half of all cybercrime were scams. As a business owner, you cannot control how your employees use their personal computers and mobile devices when they’re not at work.  What you can […]

5 Essential Cybersecurity Measures All Insurance Companies Should Have 

insurance company agent using cybersecurity measures on phone and laptop

Companies with physical locations require secure locks and alarm systems in place to protect their physical property from damage or theft. The same goes for digital spaces. All businesses need a cybersecurity strategy. No two businesses are the same, which is why you need solutions tailored to the size, capacity, and nature of your data.  […]

3 Reasons Why Insurance Agencies Need Round-the-Clock Infrastructure Monitoring

IT consultant performing IT system monitoring

Insurance gives customers peace of mind and confidence to go about their daily lives. Whether commuting to work in their vehicle, running their business, or sleeping soundly at home, we feel safer and less stressed knowing that insurance has our back in the event of surprises or disasters. It’s crucial for insurance agencies to instill […]