Every January we have the opportunity to take a look at our cyber hygiene by celebrating data privacy week. With cyber threats seemingly increasing every time we open our eyes, it’s important that we all take security seriously and ensure our data is safe with a security audit.

According to a recent study, the average cost of a data breach in 2022 was $4.35 million. From ransomware and phishing scams to employee negligence and data breaches, personal information has never been more at risk. To help you better protect your data from security threats, here are 5 security tips for Data Privacy Week:

1. Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Using MFA adds an extra security layer to your accounts by requiring a code or verification when logging in. This code is sent either via text message, email, or a security app and can be used as another way to verify you are the person requesting access. A managed cybersecurity provider can help you set this up.

2. Create Complex Passwords 

Password security goes beyond just creating long passwords with random characters since hackers can guess them relatively easily. Make sure you use a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters in order to make it difficult for attackers to gain access. It’s also important that all employees have different passwords for each account they use.

3. Backup Your Data

Regularly backing up your data not only keeps your information safe from security threats but also protects it from being lost due to hardware failures or system crashes. When backing up your files, make sure you are using a secure cloud service that encrypts data and allows for two-factor authentication.

4. Update Software Regularly

One of the easiest ways hackers can gain access to personal data is through outdated software. Make sure all teams have installed security patches and updated their operating systems when necessary to help protect against security threats. Your managed cybersecurity provider can help with that. We know that the most annoying notification you get on your computer is usually security-related, but it’s important that you don’t ignore them.

5. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) 

When you are using public Wi-Fi or accessing your company network from outside the office, make sure to use a VPN for an extra layer of security. A VPN helps protect all data sent between devices by encrypting the connection so only authorized parties can access it.

Don’t Leave Your Cybersecurity Up to Chance! Get a Security Audit Today

By following the five tips outlined above, you can take a proactive stance in protecting personal data from security threats during Data Privacy Week and beyond. While no security strategy is foolproof, it’s important that businesses of all sizes understand the value of data security and take precautions to protect their sensitive information. 

If you feel like your organization still isn’t doing enough to protect its data, then it might be time to invest in a security audit or managed cybersecurity service. Working with a security partner like Alt-Tech can help discover security vulnerabilities and provide tailored security solutions. 

Through our security audit services, we can identify gaps in your security posture and recommend methods for improving them. With managed security services like 24/7 monitoring and automated patching, we can help you stay ahead of the curve and secure all of your critical data. Celebrate Data Privacy Week by taking control of your security with Alt-Tech!