Category Archives: Cyber Security

6 Security Measures for Safer Cloud Storage

The Coolest New Tech Trends for Your Office - cloud icon with network lines

With the broad spectrum of benefits gained from cloud computing, it’s no wonder why so many businesses have begun to use it. However, it’s easy to make mistakes when handling the cloud, and using the cloud for storage can be risky if you don’t take the proper security measures. Protecting your information from breaches or […]

Everything You Need to Know About Multi-Factor Authentication for Your Business

What to Expect When You Hire a Managed Service Provider for Your Business

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective for protecting your business online. One of the easiest ways to prevent data breaches and establish cybersecurity in your business is requiring multi-factor authentication for all accounts and data. This small addition to your business practices requires minimal setup and training, but reaps powerful security rewards.

Getting the Right Type of Firewall to Boost Your Online Security

4 Benefits of Cloud Migration For Your Business

If you’re operating without a firewall or you’ve never checked your settings, your network may be at risk. Without a firewall, your employees’ and clients’ personal information, credit card details, and data could be at risk, alongside all your other essential company data. Your operating system and devices and hardware may also be at risk.

Three responses after a Ransomware attack

ransomware displayed on screens

Three responses after a Ransomware attack   If you are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a ransomware attack, there are basically only three options open to you. Ransomware is a type of computer virus that kidnaps your data and holds it hostage for money. It has become increasingly common attacking governments and all […]