Many SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses) in Alberta choose to hire international IT providers. The very nature of most IT companies means that you can work with providers worldwide, so many businesses don’t consider hiring locally as an option.

While working with an IT company that does not have a local presence may seem attractive, it might not be as great of an idea as you think. Businesses that hire internationally tend to have problems that could be avoided if they worked with a local company. Hiring a local company from the Edmonton area comes with a lot of benefits that you might not expect. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top five reasons to work with a local IT company in Edmonton, Alberta.

Quicker Response Times

When you run into IT trouble, having a firm in your city makes it easy for them to provide in-person assistance when needed. Most IT firms will provide remote assistance when possible, as it’s usually sufficient and more convenient for everyone. But during an urgent event, you can have the assurance that an experienced team of IT professionals can be at your side to help find solutions as required. 

Another benefit of local IT companies is that the closer the servers are to your customers and clients, the better the performance will be. If you’re a large, international company, you want to work with companies with a global presence. However, if you’re an SMB, you want to ensure the best online service for your local customers. Local IT companies typically have local servers to deliver optimal data delivery. 

In-Person Service and Training Options

Depending on how close the IT provider is to your business, they might also offer in-person service and training options. While virtual support can be helpful, nothing quite matches up with the efficiency and efficacy of in-person services. 

IT training is a fantastic way to educate your team on the infrastructure and systems they’re using on a daily basis. This type of training will also keep them informed on cybersecurity risks and trends, which is a critical concern for SMBs across North America. While training can be done virtually, in-person sessions are a much more effective way to educate your team members.

Look for Trusted Reputation 

Regardless of whether you’re hiring a local or international IT provider, a trusted reputation is an absolute must. Many local IT companies have trusted reputations because they are invested in helping the local businesses around them. It’s also in their own best interest to deliver quality service. When choosing an IT company to work with, be sure to check reviews and consider the following: What have other businesses liked about them? What didn’t they like? What were they like to work with?

Better Customer Service

Many local providers also offer high-quality customer care and support services that you might not get when you hire an international provider. Smaller IT companies are often more personable, and their connection to the local economy means they are more invested in your success than international providers.

Support Local Economies

As an SMB, you know better than anyone how important it is to support local businesses. Shopping local has always been fundamental in Alberta, but it has become more popular than ever following the COVID-19 pandemic. Prosperous communities form when local businesses are supported, and in turn, local businesses support their communities. By hiring an IT company in the Edmonton area, you’re supporting the local economy and helping our community prosper.

IT Companies in Edmonton, Alberta

When searching for the perfect IT company, pay attention to local service providers! There are many local IT companies that offer high-quality, expert IT services, so be sure to take a look at them during your search.

If you’re in need of an IT company located in Edmonton, Alberta, look no further than Alt-Tech Inc. We offer a range of managed IT services, from around-the-clock network monitoring to backup and data recovery services. Contact us today to learn more about our expert IT services.