Choosing the Best File Storage Option for Your Business

business file data storage

Secure file storage used to mean keeping your files in a filing cabinet or in file boxes. With online storage, we now have greater security, storage, and sharing capabilities. For years now, the most effective storage facility for documents and files has been in the online cloud – but there are other options for you […]

Your Business Needs the Cloud. Here’s Why

4 Benefits of Cloud Migration For Your Business - data storage - hands sifting through files

Businesses of all sizes are now turning to the cloud for their software and hardware solutions, as well as for data storage. When you use the cloud, everything your business needs to run is held by another company and is instantly accessible to you over the Internet. This provides benefits ranging from greater mobility to […]

Cyber Security Isn’t Just a Concern for Big Businesses. Here’s Why It Matters for Small and Midsize Businesses, Too

4 Benefits of Cloud Migration For Your Business

Whenever there’s a cyber security story in the news, it’s always about a multinational corporation. This can give small and midsize businesses (SMBs) a false sense of security. In fact, more than half of all cyber attacks impact small businesses. The reason is simple: although the payoff for cyber criminals is reduced, success rates are […]

5 Best Practices to Improve Data Security

4 Benefits of Cloud Migration For Your Business

Cyber security starts internally. From new security solutions to software updates, there are plenty of ways you can help keep your company safe. So where to begin? We’ve put together the 5 best practices for you to implement to secure business data and give you some peace of mind. 1. Always Update! When your computer […]

The Biggest Cyber Attacks of 2018

glasses in front of computer screens with coding and alert symbolize cyber attacks

There are over a million people online, and every day there are people and companies that fall prey to cyber attacks. While security researchers are always working to keep our information safe, hackers are always looking for new ways to steal it. That means there’s always a major risk for cyber attack for companies operating […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Cloud Computing Services

4 Benefits of Cloud Migration For Your Business

The cloud has been around for quite a while now, but it still feels pretty new and foreign to most of us. When someone says your data has been stored in the cloud what does that mean? Where has your information gone? Has it disappeared entirely? Is it stored on a computer somewhere else?  While […]

Start 2019 By Building a Cyber Security Culture

mouse hovers over the word security

As we move into 2019, we continue to rely on automated programs and technology in our day-to-day lives. With this growing reliance comes a growing concern about online safety. From personal information to threats of national security, our advancements affect us all. As we continue to rely on computers, the threat of cyber attacks will […]

Make File Sharing with Clients Easy

business IT team in Edmonton, AB

Make File Sharing with Clients Easy   As a vendor or even a customer, have you had the experience of working with a new company and having to learn yet another file sharing platform? Worse, have you found that it wasn’t compatible with your files, or that there were little quirks that slowed down the […]

Three responses after a Ransomware attack

ransomware displayed on screens

Three responses after a Ransomware attack   If you are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a ransomware attack, there are basically only three options open to you. Ransomware is a type of computer virus that kidnaps your data and holds it hostage for money. It has become increasingly common attacking governments and all […]