With the rapid advancements of technology that happen every day, all industries need to have proper, up-to-date IT, or they risk falling behind their competition. Insurance companies are no exception. Managed IT services can become an incredible asset for insurance companies and brokers, and there are even some solutions that are specific to the insurance industry.

What Are Managed IT Solutions?

Businesses have become increasingly reliant on technology, which means IT services have become a necessity to protect data, increase efficiency, and improve your business. Managed IT solutions vary by the size and industry of a business, but often focus on a few basic IT factors such as cybersecurity, monitoring, and general IT support. When it comes to the insurance industry, there are a few additional key services offered by most MSPs (managed service providers), such as advanced cybersecurity measures and server hosting.

IT Solutions for Insurance Companies


In the insurance industry, keeping data and information safe is crucial. Cybersecurity is important in every industry, but sensitive personal data needs special, stable protection. With managed cybersecurity, your company can receive specialized security catered to you and your industry. Meanwhile, any bells and whistles you don’t need can be excluded, rather than coming as part of a large and uncustomized package.


Cloud Hosting

The cloud has permanently changed the way businesses store, use, and access their information. However, managing the cloud without an IT team to back you up can be stressful, time-consuming, and even destructive to your business. With managed IT, you can take the cloud to the next level and allow professionals to optimize it to your needs, all while keeping your data safe and secure.


Backup & Data Recovery

As protected as your data is, there’s always a chance something will go wrong. Whether your data is lost, stolen, or corrupted, you need a way to get it back so you don’t lose valuable information and customers. Backup and data recovery services act as a safety net if something happens to your data, ensuring that you always have an extra copy of the information or a way to recover it.

Data Storage

Insurance companies handle all kinds of data every day. Many insurance companies even have apps that are accessible to customers. Storing all this data is a bigger task than it might seem, with employees and potentially even customers requiring access to this information. With managed IT services, you’ll receive comprehensive data storage solutions, ensuring your data is accessible when it needs to be and secure when it doesn’t.

Around-the-Clock Monitoring & Maintenance

In an industry where data is the foundation of your business, insurance companies can’t risk server downtime or similar issues. With 24/7 monitoring and maintenance, you can ensure that your servers are always up and running, all while any critical issues are being dealt with proactively.

All-Around Support

Technology isn’t perfect. Issues with cloud storage, downtime, or other tech problems can put an unwanted buffer on your business. That’s why general IT support is so important and why it’s offered as a service by MSPs. No matter what problem you’re having, your MSP is by your side to offer solutions and help you fix the issue, so you can focus on what you need to: Running your business successfully.

Get Managed IT Support You Can Trust

IT solutions for insurance companies have become a necessity in recent years. Hiring professional MSPs in Edmonton ensures your technology is always running smoothly and efficiently. At Alt-Tech, we’re dedicated to giving your business high-quality, trustworthy IT support. Contact us today to discuss what our services can do to help your insurance business thrive.


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash