Retail Technology

Remember the days when you walked up to the cashier in a retail store and just handed them cold, hard cash to pay for your items? There was a time when that was the only payment option available and accepted: No shiny cards, no fancy screens.

Thanks to digital technology, the possibilities have expanded for not only consumers, but retailers conducting business as well. There are many opportunities for retailers in Edmonton to introduce new technologies into their businesses to build a better experience for employees, customers, and owners alike. 

Types of Technology for Edmonton Retailers

There are all kinds of different gadgets and functions retail stores have adopted and implemented within their locations. All of this is for the enhancement of customer experience and retail business functioning. 

These advances in retail technology have changed the face of consumerism forever. 

Here are some interesting digital technologies you may encounter or learn about the next time you go shopping.

7 Types of Retail Technology to Implement

Cloud Storage and Services 

Many of those who have iPhones use data and storage space. iCloud saves all of this data from being lost by doing annual backups and updates through your software. Retail businesses are adopting cloud services into their systems to document and process inventory, keep track of orders made, shipping and available stock. This system improves on efficiency, data storage, speed, and convenience. The cloud helps to expand businesses and also provide valuable analytics. 

Large companies such as Netflix, Apple, Pinterest, and Instagram all use cloud computing services. Our cloud services at Alt-Tech ensures that a company’s data and services are easily accessible, maintained, and protected when using the cloud.  


Digital technology continues to capitalize on the theme of convenience. Many retail stores now have systems in place for the customer to check out their own items and dodge the long cashier lineup on Saturday afternoon.

Stores such as Walmart and Safeway have a self-checkout system which provides customers with a simple process of scanning their items on a screen and paying for them with a selected method of payment. The system works well and saves people (for the most part!) a few extra minutes without having to stand in a cashier’s lineup, which can regularly get backed up. 

Augmented Reality

Imagine a wife saying to her husband, “Honey, I’m going shopping. I’ll see you later!” However, the husband notices his wife is not leaving the house. In fact, all he sees is her on her cellphone, sitting on the couch as if she decided not to go after all.

That’s because of augmented reality technology!

Some retail stores have adopted this virtual experience software. It allows customers to shop and test store products right from the comfort of their own homes, even for highly personalized products. 

For example, Sephora is a store that has implemented this technology in their locations. Customers can take a selfie that loads onto a screen. From there, people can test makeup on their faces.  

Stock Management

Inventory can be a big job for any business depending on the size of the store. A lot of data gathered on the status of stock is generally recorded via spreadsheets and hard copy documents. With inventory software, the inventory process becomes much simpler and faster. 

There are a number of different inventory management apps available for download online. For example, stockpile by Canvus is a free app that stays on top of your business’s inventory needs by tracking inventory, stocks, returns, and turnover. 

Staff Technological Tools

Any customer that walks into a store will most likely see an employee either holding an iPad or typing on a laptop. That’s because staff of retail stores are more commonly equipped with quick-to-access technology which allows instant access to data and information needed to do their jobs and assist customers with information related to in-store sales, prices and offers. 

Sensor Beacons 

These pieces of equipment are stationed within stores and have a Bluetooth-enabled transmitter that can connect to customers’ phones through an app. This allows customers to receive messages and instant alerts regarding sales, offers, and information about anything in the store. 

Chat Bots for Customers 

Businesses are finding new ways to interact and communicate with customers by experimenting with chat bots. Through messaging and websites, bots operate as a means to enhance support for customers. In areas where human interaction is more of a necessity or a focal point, chat bots can pick up some of the slack, especially with online transactions to balance workloads.

Learn More About Retail Technology Solutions in Edmonton 

With the continual expansion of digital technology, the need for security and reliable IT services grows. As a leading IT service provider in Edmonton, Alt-Tech will ensure that your retail business’s IT system needs are met with our cybersecurity and IT management services. Visit us on our website today for more information! 

Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash