The word ‘audit’ has several connotations, and not all of them are good. From tax audits to performance evaluations, the term can make us scared or anxious. However, an IT security audit isn’t something to be afraid of—it’s a valuable tool that has the power to protect your organization from potential cyber threats.

What is an IT Security Audit and Why is it Important?

Think of a security audit as a deep dive into your business’s IT setup. It’s like getting a comprehensive check-up for your digital systems and processes to see how secure they really are. 

During an audit, experts scrutinize everything from your current security policies and procedures to the tools you’re using, all to spot any potential weaknesses that could be targeted by cybercriminals.

The primary purpose of an IT audit is to:

  • Identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities
  • Assess the effectiveness of current security protocols
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards
  • Improve overall security posture and minimize the risk of cyber attacks

What Should You Expect From an IT Audit?

The scope and objectives of an IT security audit can vary depending on the size, complexity, and industry of your organization. However, there are some common steps and procedures that most audits will follow:

  1. Pre-Audit Preparation: Before the actual audit takes place, you can expect the auditor to gather information about your organization’s network infrastructure, security policies, and procedures.
  2. On-Site Visit: The auditor will conduct an on-site visit to assess your physical security measures, such as access controls and security cameras.
  3. Document Review: The auditor will review your organization’s policies and procedures related to information security, including data handling, incident response, and employee training.
  4. Vulnerability Assessment: This involves using specialized tools to scan your network for potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by hackers.
  5. Penetration Testing: In this step, the auditor will attempt to exploit any identified vulnerabilities in a controlled environment to test your system’s resilience against potential cyber attacks.
  6. Interviews with Key Personnel: The auditor may also conduct interviews with key personnel, such as IT staff and managers, to gain a better understanding of your organization’s security protocols and practices.
  7. Final Report: The auditor will provide a detailed report of their findings, including any identified vulnerabilities and recommendations for improving your organization’s security posture.

What Steps Should You Take After an IT Security Audit?

When the audit is done, you should make taking action your top priority to address any vulnerabilities or weaknesses. These steps may include any of the following:

  1. Review Audit Findings: Carefully examine the results of the IT audit to understand the identified vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  2. Develop an Action Plan: Create a detailed plan outlining the specific steps and timelines for addressing each identified vulnerability or weakness.
  3. Implement Security Controls: Deploy new security policies, procedures, or technologies where you see fit to mitigate risks and strengthen your organization’s security posture.
  4. Employee Training and Awareness: Provide training and awareness programs to educate employees about security best practices and their role in maintaining a secure environment.
  5. Regular Monitoring and Review: Establish processes for continuously monitoring and reviewing your organization’s security posture to detect and address new threats or vulnerabilities promptly.

Protect Your Future

If you run a small business, protecting your digital assets from cyber threats is a top priority. At Alt-Tech, we specialize in customized IT audit services tailored specifically for small businesses. Our team is here to beef up your IT infrastructure, giving you peace of mind and the freedom to focus on growing your business. 
Get in touch today to learn more about how we can safeguard your digital space and ensure the security of your business and reputation. After all, investing in an IT security audit is investing in your future.